Tuesday, April 20, 2010
2nd day of school
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Oh Boy! Is this an interesting story!
The results are as follows:

So actually, my penis's name is 'Godzilla'. And somehow, i don't really like it. It reminds me of someone..
I think i should stick to its old name- 老二 。
HAH,then another idea struck me. what if i were to......

Add Tham's name to it.
and the results is....

She has a cooler penis than me ):
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Italian police to have supercar

With a top speed of 309km/h (192mph), it should have the edge in any chase on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway.
However, the car is just as likely to be used for emergency deliveries such as human organs for transplant.
The sleek two-seater, topped with a flashing blue light, was put on display in
It is a six-speed luxury vehicle with a 500-horsepower engine designed to go from zero to 100km/h (60mph) in four seconds.
Donated by the Lamborghini factory in
Other traffic police forces which cannot boast a Lamborghini resort to devices of their own against speeders: in
Italian police crash Lamborghini supercar
The car was the Italian police force's pride and joy
Italian police have crashed their most valuable patrol car, a 165,000-euro (£150,000)
The accident happened near the northern Italian town of
Reports say the car swerved to avoid another vehicle which crossed into its path, ploughing into two stationary cars. It was damaged beyond repair.
One of the two officers in the vehicle at the time of the incident suffered a broken rib, the other received bruises.
The Lamborghini car, painted in the Italian police force's blue and white colours, was a gift to the force from the carmakers in 2004.
The six-speed luxury vehicle with a 500-horsepower engine is designed to go from zero to 100km/h (60mph) in four seconds.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
My happiness index
The Gahment just announced that civil workers' bonus this year will be 0.25 month salary, and capped at $750. My mother is a civil worker. she has little bonus = i have little bonus. ): ):
I was interrupted while doing something very important today. ):
Friday, November 6, 2009
Toe nail virgin

Well, I am glad that my toe nail finally came off. Though, through surgical means ( i cut off the skin). It has been really irritating for the last 3 days since ZJ kicked my already injured toe with his shoe and made it bend out. And my toe injury was quite severe in the first place because ZJ went to step on my toe twice with his shoe on a certain day in the holidays.
Zj weighs 60 kilograms. My toe weighs 11.86 grams.
Its a natural instinct to stay healthy
"Just 10 minutes of looking at the charms of a well-endowed females is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out," said author Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist.
The team led by Weatherby was made up of researchers at three hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany, and found this results after monitoring for 5 years the health of 200 male subjects, half of whom were asked to look at busty females daily, while the other half had to abstain from doing so.
For five years, the breasts oglers presented a lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and decreased risk of coronary artery disease.
"Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. There's no question: Gazing at large breasts makes men healthier. Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half." said Weatherby, who even recommends that men aged over 40 should spend at least 10 minutes daily admiring breasts sized "D-cup" or larger.
Looking at breasts is as healthy as going to the gym for 30 minutes daily and prolonged a man's life by five years.
I for one however, disagree with this medical journal entry as my sentiments does not lie with the results of this study due to self pwning reasons.