Hi guys.. This ish the plane flight to ah tiong land.. on an MIC plane. Plane nvr crash.. wow..
Just reached BJ. Firstly, we must all hail MZD! damn it lor.. the pic zhun zhun nvr capture his pic..
Went to the forbidden palace... saw MZD's pic ok.. the place is quite huge lah.. 9 buildings in all
saw old Mao at tian an men square.. was immediately attrated to him..MZD 万岁!
Communism China!
Haisssss... Cheap China imitation again.. tick oso must tick correct way mah.. not like nike ppl wont even buy..
Some girl who is wrapped up like a ball.. hahah funneh..
Lol.. it really looks like a bird nest...
This is my 5 star room in Bj.. Got a very lomantic king-sized bed wor.. nb, how come i din know i have to sleep with my brother..
Heh, they put condoms in the room.. i wont need that..
sometimes... you just gotta love this guy.. MZD 万岁!
A chinese dog. hah... that china dog.
Ta Da! the great wall!
Wont forget the class.. so i carved our class in The Great Wall Siol!
Went to this Ah Tiong ski resort.. ALl mic snow lah.. this is me skiing..
Bro skiing..
Iron Man was there.. but somehow his boots are black..
Reached Hokkaido on day 4, This is a lighted up park in Sapporo.. Nihon Banzai!
lol... when you go jap, you have to try the onsen. Been to two hot springs and there were many hot naked old men.. i like (:
Lao pei and Lao bu cooking scallops.
This is the legendary Kobe beef... its around 200 sing bucks per plate like this.. nbcb.. but it was oh so delicious.. and so fatty & soft(: (softer than boobies. not that i know how soft they are lah) The cows are massaged everyday.. and feed with beer. Y cant i be that cow..
This is a japanese toilet bowl with seat warmer and automated ass washing system. It squirts a jet a water straight into your anus to wash it... and i hate it. you should try it too..
Found a toy house and was kiddy enough to crawled in it...
Pinocchio in a chocolate factory. Its just totally random.. so i 'psshed' it in its nose.
This ice-cream tasted soooo good. yummy. hahah
santa has a new job which is to guide taxis to parking lots ^ ^
Went to the Asahi Beer factory and had 3 free beers.. wow.. and its better than heineken by a little..
Its those kind of grand japanese dinners like in Japan hour. hahaha food quite nice lah.. i forgot what i ate though..
Its a very nice light- tent thing near my hotel...
My bro and I combo-ed to create frosty..
Im frosty the snowman.. wow, lame.
Its a park with very nice view in dunno where in Hokkaido.
Me eating best ice cream in Hokkaido.. machiam condensed milk like that.. but still nice lah.
Snowy bears :D
Went to this bear zoo thing.. and the bear was very very cute.. you can feed it apples and it will catch it with its mouth in mid air..
Though its cute, it'll bite you and rip your guts out to satiate its perpetual hunger for flesh(:
Last cute bear..
Last night.. Hokkaido has the top 3 best view in the world.. rather nice way on top the hill. Was fuckin cold.
Thats all folks.. time to head back to S'pore and enjoy the hot weather again.. bye.