Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Italian police to have supercar

With a top speed of 309km/h (192mph), it should have the edge in any chase on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway.
However, the car is just as likely to be used for emergency deliveries such as human organs for transplant.
The sleek two-seater, topped with a flashing blue light, was put on display in
It is a six-speed luxury vehicle with a 500-horsepower engine designed to go from zero to 100km/h (60mph) in four seconds.
Donated by the Lamborghini factory in
Other traffic police forces which cannot boast a Lamborghini resort to devices of their own against speeders: in
Italian police crash Lamborghini supercar
The car was the Italian police force's pride and joy
Italian police have crashed their most valuable patrol car, a 165,000-euro (£150,000)
The accident happened near the northern Italian town of
Reports say the car swerved to avoid another vehicle which crossed into its path, ploughing into two stationary cars. It was damaged beyond repair.
One of the two officers in the vehicle at the time of the incident suffered a broken rib, the other received bruises.
The Lamborghini car, painted in the Italian police force's blue and white colours, was a gift to the force from the carmakers in 2004.
The six-speed luxury vehicle with a 500-horsepower engine is designed to go from zero to 100km/h (60mph) in four seconds.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
My happiness index
The Gahment just announced that civil workers' bonus this year will be 0.25 month salary, and capped at $750. My mother is a civil worker. she has little bonus = i have little bonus. ): ):
I was interrupted while doing something very important today. ):
Friday, November 6, 2009
Toe nail virgin

Well, I am glad that my toe nail finally came off. Though, through surgical means ( i cut off the skin). It has been really irritating for the last 3 days since ZJ kicked my already injured toe with his shoe and made it bend out. And my toe injury was quite severe in the first place because ZJ went to step on my toe twice with his shoe on a certain day in the holidays.
Zj weighs 60 kilograms. My toe weighs 11.86 grams.
Its a natural instinct to stay healthy
"Just 10 minutes of looking at the charms of a well-endowed females is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out," said author Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist.
The team led by Weatherby was made up of researchers at three hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany, and found this results after monitoring for 5 years the health of 200 male subjects, half of whom were asked to look at busty females daily, while the other half had to abstain from doing so.
For five years, the breasts oglers presented a lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and decreased risk of coronary artery disease.
"Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. There's no question: Gazing at large breasts makes men healthier. Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half." said Weatherby, who even recommends that men aged over 40 should spend at least 10 minutes daily admiring breasts sized "D-cup" or larger.
Looking at breasts is as healthy as going to the gym for 30 minutes daily and prolonged a man's life by five years.
I for one however, disagree with this medical journal entry as my sentiments does not lie with the results of this study due to self pwning reasons.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy தீபாவளி !!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Money not enough 3

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
WOLS update: Comex 2009 sept.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Live the healthy life kids
Friday, August 28, 2009
Dusting off the cobwebs
It all started from MST. After the first round of F-upped projects, i had nary a sliver of time to study for my mid-semester-tests; so screwed those. Then i had a couple more grueling weeks of presentations and lessons, to which i have not performed very outstandingly as well. Talking about packed schedules. Psshfft.
Immediately following, the second array of F-upped projects came knocking towards my door, and i was gang-raped by them, with multi-penetration included. When they were all finished, i was left dead tired, and eye-baggy. According to my blood test, 84.32% of my white blood cells did not survive this torture. Note: the 4 projects( FBM, TTP, RWPS, IHRO) came all at once, leaving my polymates NO(0%, nil, zilch, zero, absolute 'kosong') time to rest and re-energize at all.
Ah, and then came FMAH exam, whom i swear has the largest you-know-wad. And she redefined screwed for me.
Well, thats the long and shorts of what i've been through.
however, after the projects, had a lil break. Now, i shall post some pics. Events are in random order.

Post project celebration.

Spotted Kaya Xian taking a dump behind the fridge.

The Unofficial 八姐妹 at that time.
4th month celebration lunch.
Next, we went to fly.
This cabin is haunted.
City view during the 7th month. Got XXXXX.
Being a high level exorcist, i cleaned the place up.
And we now have a nice city view.

Shuf's b'dae days earlier. Happy 18th Shuf, welcome to the club.
I counted 19 ppl in the photo. Think only one missing is Joshua.
Maybe he's the photographer. Well, thats that.

大姐大's b'dae DAYS earlier. May all chiur wishes come true :D

I ''quite like this pic'' (do mind the grammar) too (:
Although it seems like i'm using the umbrella to cover my crotch..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Turbo Turbans and Feisty Fingers
Recently, all the guys in my class expressed their interests in promoting a special cultural-cum-racial game. The game's objective was to promote cultural and racial attention towards the minority race in our little island country. By playing this game, we are able to be more alert on the existence of minority races which holds less then 1% in the population. Say, Indians.. Sikhs maybe.
The name of this game is ''Ba-Yee Simi Sek?!'' You are supposed to 'alert' another participant of the game by rather extreme measures(e.g. Pinch) when you chance upon the specified race, and then ask him/her to describe certain 'distinctive' features(e.g. Head wear) of the target. Upon correct description, the measure to alert the participant will cease.
I was engaging in this social-upright game today with my train kakee, and guess what?!
The Sikh flicked us off!!! WOW, we were trying to be socially accommodating and proactive, and this guy appears and points his forbidden finger. Such a rude, and blasphemous gesture, tsktsk.
In my honest opinion, when you do not like the idea of the game, you can just ignore it or at most criticize it verbally, through diplomatic approaches. It is utterly racist to flick us off just because we are Chinese. Must we be subjected to such detest and ill-treatment just because we are the dominant and majority race? So what if our pa-xiao can drown you a million times over? There is no reason to treat us this way.
Well, what i wanna say. damn ba-yee.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
After MST Week update.
My eyes looks like this. If you believe lah, haha.
The rest of the papers were pretty much buanged, as i cant really study much for IHRO, and i was unable to absorb the airport/city/country codes for TTP. -.-
I really don't like the idea of having to churn out 2 reports within a week, whilst having to study for 5 modules.. it practically killing everyone, and we're probably gonna get kidney failure coz our kidneys cant rest due to lack of sleep ):
Actually, i only have myself to blame for this coz i spent my fully packed 3 weeks of rest to work, and play. Anything but study. Uh... i went to Pulau Ubin with a building-eating-'Godcilla', a PRC scholar, Nordaman, annette and thammy thammy tham tham.
There, we reported the UBIN lottery, and the week's winning number was , 'oi-oi-oi,oi'.
And we saw mountain cow with her calf.
And cycled around the island.
And ate coconut, compliments of nordamann. (forgot to pay you back so.. hahah)
and took lots of pictures.
fringe buang.
A long tham, and me.
A couple of weeks before, i was busily heading all out for the economy of great Singapore by working in the IT fair, and the restaurant which i dun wanna work in anymore.
And working in the IT fair made me learn a lot of things. The Indians want the bestest price, the Singaporeans wants all the free gifts, the chinese wants the cheapest shit, and the fukers just wanna 'chou chou re nao' and flood the whole convention centre.
My most memorable was a male adult Tiong. Don't be mistaken, hes not your regular 'Zhang' you see working as a cleaner or waiter. He's those kind of expats-moderately-rich-and-has-proper-job people. What was so memorable was that i thought he went to other booths liao, but in the end he just went to draw cash from the ATM ( coz he din wanna pay the imposed credit card surcharge of 2%). And while i was 'jitao sian!' coz i lost a buyer, he eventually came back to buy, which made my day. And he talked gently and kindly too, unlike those yellow skined slaves.
well, that was how my 3 study weeks and MST week were spent.
To end of my post, im gonna post this super gay and random picture of Norman and me. I hope this picture gives viewers a permanent disturbing mental image that will keep you awake throughout the night. (: Please close your browser if you do not wished to be utterly disturbed.
prepare youself..-
From the producers of the CSI series, Krish and Nordamannn studios proudly presents to you
an utterly gay pic of
P.S: Look at his smile-.- zomg. Annette, dun kill me. Acting only.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The significance of 21

YAY! Today is the 21st of June, and its Tham's 18th birthday. Also, its our 2nd monthsary together. Shes finally 18, so we can spam beer and alcohol, watch movies which is restricted from young kiddies, and drive, and ekoms (niddik), and do many other stuff together.Heh.
Aww, your so old, if i were to buy a cake, i'll have to spam candles till there is no space left liao..
Welcome to the club, whereby we can drink, drive, and laugh at all the small 17 yr old kids play at the playground (: *bomb*

Anyways, 2nd month and still going strong, me hearts you.

WAH! 有牛leh! ZOMG! 有牛!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Welcome to the club, Zj.
As seen here, i have google for a pic of 2 Indian businessmen with center parting shaking one anothers hand. This is what i would want to do now, but we can only shake hands virtually as of this moment.
I would also like to type out my version of your father's bdae note and it goes like this;
ZJ- at a man,
must guai lan like a man,
do it like a man,
behave like a man.
Happy Birthday!Krish.
touched to tears eh, Muthu? ;D
In fact, we have many gay pics and gay memories that we had over the years. Like sitting on my lap all the time in sec 2, borrowing my pilot pens (and dropping them till i cant write with them anymore which eventually stopped me from bringing a pencil case to school), drinking all my water from my bottle ( which similarly stops me from bringing a bottle to school) , stealing my first kiss (omg), and posting for all those gay pic in SB.
have a gay birthday Zj!
P.S. on another note, Yishun is now flooded with a lot, a lot of people. It is advised to avoid Yishun, and its GV movie complex.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
they are;
-Buanged IHRO tut attendence
-and lastly......
from the creators of CSI: Plaza Singapura, Krish 狗仔队 studios proudly presents...
*drum roll*

I allow people to kop this photo and hand it up as a decisive moment assignment.
Always nice to end the term with a blast. Bomb blast. Well, its just a random steranger holding another stranger's hand. In India, friends hold each others' hands all the time.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wish the ALL 18 year olds happy birthday! ;D
HEY! Thanks guys for the Card ;D Credits to EG,LY,PX,YY,WS,NW,DA,KL,WK,MY,JJ,RR,AY,VK,LS,ZJ,PC,TS,SY,JC,LM,IR,& CW. Like it a lot, and it comes in 3 languages some more. English, mandarin, and Tamil (:
I'll be sure to bring it back to India with me when i get my diploma.
Also, thanks for the surprise(WOW) this afternoon. Woke up at 2pm, thought it was just a normal day. After a few hours, BOOM! Suddenly so many people come,then i tio stunned until i have a idiotic expression on my face..
Many things happened thereafter, like.. the 02 bdae cake smashing tradition, wearing half a birthday suit, having chocolate facial, and watching the tele..
And then we all headed for Astons for dinner.
Well all in all, had a great day. Thanks guys for making it happen. And thanks for those who wrote on the card (: Next time i blanjah your beer. Next time.. Next time, hahaha.
Also, wish all those who are already 18 yrs old korkors and jiejie, a belated happy birthday. Welcome to the club. ;D
P.S Thanks a lot for the gift(perfect size siol) WK, and DA. It looks very nice. (: And to T <3 for the ______. And lastly to MY for the polaroid pic. Liked them all a lot.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Is it too late to apologize?
Well, as tittle suggests, i'm here to apologize.
You know, there are times when you blurt out insensitive things that causes other parties to feel upset? Well, last night happened to be one of those times.
So; sorry, i did not mean it, i was just kiddin', i hope you forgive me. I've made you upset and seeing you, i feel unhappy and guilt-ridden.
Thus i've came up with this cheesy post, with MV somemore sia. Damn lao kui.. hais, but bo bian, if not everyday will tio shoot. All in all, i hope you see this post and feel better ok ;D? 原谅 me please (:
Friday, May 22, 2009
21st May

Watched N.A.T.M.2 with T ytd. It was nice.
[Q. Is the movie nice? A. 啊很好看。
Q. Which part of it is nice? A. 啊啊。。全部的部分都很好看。
Q. Why is it nice? A. 就是很好看lor..没有为什么。。]
This sounds like someone, but im not gonna tell you who. I think you know the person preTTY well! (:
OKOK, enough of parodies. The movie is nice coz the live-museum-exhibits and Ben Stiller were hillarious. I like how the eygptian prince talk.. lol. Good movie to watch on a 1st month celebration.

Soup. Chicken+ leek+leek

Roast chicken . Chicken+potato+salad

Thumb. Finger+cheer-you-up shirt+ lots of L___
Fat Thighs. Finger+ cheer-you-up-shirt + laiyin-on-the-couch-the-whole-day

My new table addition.
Her new table addition.
Well, so thats pretty much it for the day.
P.S. Thanks to Godzilla (pris) and Tiong (tiong) for the kampong style beyblade (:
Saturday, May 16, 2009
CSI: Plaza Singapura

End of report. Disclaimer: This is merely a joke nia, so all parties whom may concern -relax lah.
Oh, and attended my cousin's wedding today. Well, i have to say i went for the food only lah.. haha. And thats a good night well spent eating good food on my parents' expense. And congrats to Jxxx Cheung and ( *insert groom name*), may you guys stay happy forever together (:
Monday, May 11, 2009
FBM- study trip at Batam '09
Small wall to climb
housekeeper Ong

One for me,
one for you
Well, I have to say 6D5N in Batam is really fruitful. Learnt lots of things like setting up a fine dining table, and how to get into trouble by drinking. Also loved some of the amenities there ,i.e. The pools of different colours, the day-light-robbery-yatch-bar, the jetty, and several others which i feel i need not name.
There was also the life-sucking tutorials which made me get more than enough sleep. Haha. And i'm gonna miss the many many coffee breaks, with their little shitty pastries and coffee.
This made me ponder- do you know why is the rupiah of low in value? Thats because 1nd0n3s14ns spend all their office hours slacking and drinking coffee, which contributes to low GDP, and over the years, made the rupiah so ..valueless.
Several interesting happened there too. I was the only one to flip into sea (suay), by turning to much on my kayak.
And i clinched a business deal for Turi. 50 pax corporate trip. 2D1N, bonding session, paintball/high elements included. Proposal done and emailed. Thank you Mr Lim, you have made a right choice choosing Turi Beach resort as your premier corporate-cum-bonding session-cum- leisure-cum-accomodation service provider :D
Lastly, want to say that i spent much quality time with T. Thanks for bring me much _________ and ______. Fill in the blanks as appropriate. Only applicable to T.