Someone did something to me today that really made an impact to me today.
Recently, all the guys in my class expressed their interests in promoting a special cultural-cum-racial game. The game's objective was to promote cultural and racial attention towards the minority race in our little island country. By playing this game, we are able to be more alert on the existence of minority races which holds less then 1% in the population. Say, Indians.. Sikhs maybe.
The name of this game is ''Ba-Yee Simi Sek?!'' You are supposed to 'alert' another participant of the game by rather extreme measures(e.g. Pinch) when you chance upon the specified race, and then ask him/her to describe certain 'distinctive' features(e.g. Head wear) of the target. Upon correct description, the measure to alert the participant will cease.
I was engaging in this social-upright game today with my train kakee, and guess what?!
The Sikh flicked us off!!! WOW, we were trying to be socially accommodating and proactive, and this guy appears and points his forbidden finger. Such a rude, and blasphemous gesture, tsktsk.
In my honest opinion, when you do not like the idea of the game, you can just ignore it or at most criticize it verbally, through diplomatic approaches. It is utterly racist to flick us off just because we are Chinese. Must we be subjected to such detest and ill-treatment just because we are the dominant and majority race? So what if our pa-xiao can drown you a million times over? There is no reason to treat us this way.
Well, what i wanna say. damn ba-yee.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
After MST Week update.
PHEW! Hellish MST is finally over! I can finally get at least 5 hours of sleep per day since then. I believe mostly all of us did'nt really study for FBM coz of the projects.. But FBM turned out to be a relatively interesting paper. I liked all the drawing questions and the guai-lan banana leaf restaurant settings.

My eyes looks like this. If you believe lah, haha.
The rest of the papers were pretty much buanged, as i cant really study much for IHRO, and i was unable to absorb the airport/city/country codes for TTP. -.-
I really don't like the idea of having to churn out 2 reports within a week, whilst having to study for 5 modules.. it practically killing everyone, and we're probably gonna get kidney failure coz our kidneys cant rest due to lack of sleep ):
Actually, i only have myself to blame for this coz i spent my fully packed 3 weeks of rest to work, and play. Anything but study. Uh... i went to Pulau Ubin with a building-eating-'Godcilla', a PRC scholar, Nordaman, annette and thammy thammy tham tham.
There, we reported the UBIN lottery, and the week's winning number was , 'oi-oi-oi,oi'.
And we saw mountain cow with her calf.
And cycled around the island.
And ate coconut, compliments of nordamann. (forgot to pay you back so.. hahah)
and took lots of pictures.

fringe buang.

A long tham, and me.
A couple of weeks before, i was busily heading all out for the economy of great Singapore by working in the IT fair, and the restaurant which i dun wanna work in anymore.
And working in the IT fair made me learn a lot of things. The Indians want the bestest price, the Singaporeans wants all the free gifts, the chinese wants the cheapest shit, and the fukers just wanna 'chou chou re nao' and flood the whole convention centre.
My most memorable was a male adult Tiong. Don't be mistaken, hes not your regular 'Zhang' you see working as a cleaner or waiter. He's those kind of expats-moderately-rich-and-has-proper-job people. What was so memorable was that i thought he went to other booths liao, but in the end he just went to draw cash from the ATM ( coz he din wanna pay the imposed credit card surcharge of 2%). And while i was 'jitao sian!' coz i lost a buyer, he eventually came back to buy, which made my day. And he talked gently and kindly too, unlike those yellow skined slaves.
well, that was how my 3 study weeks and MST week were spent.
To end of my post, im gonna post this super gay and random picture of Norman and me. I hope this picture gives viewers a permanent disturbing mental image that will keep you awake throughout the night. (: Please close your browser if you do not wished to be utterly disturbed.
prepare youself..-
From the producers of the CSI series, Krish and Nordamannn studios proudly presents to you
an utterly gay pic of

P.S: Look at his smile-.- zomg. Annette, dun kill me. Acting only.
My eyes looks like this. If you believe lah, haha.
The rest of the papers were pretty much buanged, as i cant really study much for IHRO, and i was unable to absorb the airport/city/country codes for TTP. -.-
I really don't like the idea of having to churn out 2 reports within a week, whilst having to study for 5 modules.. it practically killing everyone, and we're probably gonna get kidney failure coz our kidneys cant rest due to lack of sleep ):
Actually, i only have myself to blame for this coz i spent my fully packed 3 weeks of rest to work, and play. Anything but study. Uh... i went to Pulau Ubin with a building-eating-'Godcilla', a PRC scholar, Nordaman, annette and thammy thammy tham tham.
There, we reported the UBIN lottery, and the week's winning number was , 'oi-oi-oi,oi'.
And we saw mountain cow with her calf.
And cycled around the island.
And ate coconut, compliments of nordamann. (forgot to pay you back so.. hahah)
and took lots of pictures.
fringe buang.
A long tham, and me.
A couple of weeks before, i was busily heading all out for the economy of great Singapore by working in the IT fair, and the restaurant which i dun wanna work in anymore.
And working in the IT fair made me learn a lot of things. The Indians want the bestest price, the Singaporeans wants all the free gifts, the chinese wants the cheapest shit, and the fukers just wanna 'chou chou re nao' and flood the whole convention centre.
My most memorable was a male adult Tiong. Don't be mistaken, hes not your regular 'Zhang' you see working as a cleaner or waiter. He's those kind of expats-moderately-rich-and-has-proper-job people. What was so memorable was that i thought he went to other booths liao, but in the end he just went to draw cash from the ATM ( coz he din wanna pay the imposed credit card surcharge of 2%). And while i was 'jitao sian!' coz i lost a buyer, he eventually came back to buy, which made my day. And he talked gently and kindly too, unlike those yellow skined slaves.
well, that was how my 3 study weeks and MST week were spent.
To end of my post, im gonna post this super gay and random picture of Norman and me. I hope this picture gives viewers a permanent disturbing mental image that will keep you awake throughout the night. (: Please close your browser if you do not wished to be utterly disturbed.
prepare youself..-
From the producers of the CSI series, Krish and Nordamannn studios proudly presents to you
an utterly gay pic of
P.S: Look at his smile-.- zomg. Annette, dun kill me. Acting only.
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