It all started from MST. After the first round of F-upped projects, i had nary a sliver of time to study for my mid-semester-tests; so screwed those. Then i had a couple more grueling weeks of presentations and lessons, to which i have not performed very outstandingly as well. Talking about packed schedules. Psshfft.
Immediately following, the second array of F-upped projects came knocking towards my door, and i was gang-raped by them, with multi-penetration included. When they were all finished, i was left dead tired, and eye-baggy. According to my blood test, 84.32% of my white blood cells did not survive this torture. Note: the 4 projects( FBM, TTP, RWPS, IHRO) came all at once, leaving my polymates NO(0%, nil, zilch, zero, absolute 'kosong') time to rest and re-energize at all.
Ah, and then came FMAH exam, whom i swear has the largest you-know-wad. And she redefined screwed for me.
Well, thats the long and shorts of what i've been through.
however, after the projects, had a lil break. Now, i shall post some pics. Events are in random order.

Post project celebration.

Spotted Kaya Xian taking a dump behind the fridge.

The Unofficial 八姐妹 at that time.
4th month celebration lunch.
Next, we went to fly.
This cabin is haunted.
City view during the 7th month. Got XXXXX.
Being a high level exorcist, i cleaned the place up.
And we now have a nice city view.

Shuf's b'dae days earlier. Happy 18th Shuf, welcome to the club.
I counted 19 ppl in the photo. Think only one missing is Joshua.
Maybe he's the photographer. Well, thats that.

大姐大's b'dae DAYS earlier. May all chiur wishes come true :D

I ''quite like this pic'' (do mind the grammar) too (:
Although it seems like i'm using the umbrella to cover my crotch..