What are the odds that zhong jie will win so much in political mahjong today?!
initial 台: 1
1100: Zhong jie got a 队队胡! 两台
1430: Zhong jie obtained a 大三元! 满台
1730: zhong jie obtained 大四喜. 满满台
Predicted future wins are 十八罗汉 和 清一色.
oh, to add on: i really believe that there is no secrets in this world.
if a tells b a secret, but then b, for the fun of it tells it to c, and c tells me, then i tell zj,then zj tells shuf, then shuf tells m.y, then m.y. tells anne, then anne tells norman,then norman tells eugene and eugene tells wk and wk tells pris and pris tells theresa, then the whole country knows le. so.. its not a secret anymore rite?lol