Well, you'll notice a stark difference in my hair colour when you see me at effectively, today. Thats because i have a spontaneous gene disorder that makes my hair-pigment-producing cells to be rendered out of control. Thus this explains the clear brown colour my hair now possesses.
P.S. All credits goes to T who dyed my hair for me.
P.P.S. I'm beng-ified.... ):
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
How high level are you today? ;D
Well, thats the first week of school gone. School was pretty 'interesting' (: haha, after being one year here i've realised that things now are .... different (:
Celebrated two of my classmates' bdae this week. Those adults are AYXW, and SWK. And as part of their coming-of-age ceremony celebrations, we carry out our cream facial tradition- twice. I wonder what will students in fc6 think when they saw us smashing cake on the adults' faces for 2 consecutive days... like..
''eh? i thought they celebrated bdae yesterday liao? now come again ah? lol... siao kias...''
Next, let me talk about the printing. What an honor to printed $280 plus worth of notes and distributing it to the class! Some have their second homes in the arcade, while mine; in the printing room, queueing up. And with a large and generous contribution by everyone to the class funds, im proud to say that the balance now is a whooping ....
zero dollars!
Oh, and lastly, my mom bought superdog for me today. It is'nt all that super actually. Their hotdog.. as compared to mine has a starking contrast i daresay. All in all, i just wanna say is that their hotdogs are of average size, average taste, and average thickness. The only thing extraordinary is their price (: I give them a 4/10, while i give mine an 8.
Celebrated two of my classmates' bdae this week. Those adults are AYXW, and SWK. And as part of their coming-of-age ceremony celebrations, we carry out our cream facial tradition- twice. I wonder what will students in fc6 think when they saw us smashing cake on the adults' faces for 2 consecutive days... like..
''eh? i thought they celebrated bdae yesterday liao? now come again ah? lol... siao kias...''
Next, let me talk about the printing. What an honor to printed $280 plus worth of notes and distributing it to the class! Some have their second homes in the arcade, while mine; in the printing room, queueing up. And with a large and generous contribution by everyone to the class funds, im proud to say that the balance now is a whooping ....
zero dollars!
Oh, and lastly, my mom bought superdog for me today. It is'nt all that super actually. Their hotdog.. as compared to mine has a starking contrast i daresay. All in all, i just wanna say is that their hotdogs are of average size, average taste, and average thickness. The only thing extraordinary is their price (: I give them a 4/10, while i give mine an 8.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Lets make it official! WOO!
Dear Laiyin,
As you wanted, heres a post just for you and to whoever are concerned. Today's the auspicious 21st of the month where you chose to make it official. And here i am typing out my hearts content.
Hmm today's not valentine's day.
And i spent the day with Laiyin at school, and not watching valkyrie.
Tsk i still dun really know how to pronounce that.
And the school was quite well done too.
By now, those with sense would know what is going between the two of us.
So i will disclose everything in the following two open letters.
To: dtrm 02
Sorry for all the lies we had told you all for the past ??? days.
We did meant to keep it a secret until at least the new acad year or what,
But i really cant bear to see her or me getting bombed everyday in school and stuff.
Or the fact that i have to not speak to her when i see her in school.
So here i am telling you all nth but the truth.
And Zhong who says that being attached cant go all-out assault on you-know-who?
I will prove you wrong lol.
Now that everything's clear,
I hope for some privacy for the both of us and not bombings.
Ty and good luck for the upcoming school term.
Yours truly,
Krish ;D
To: Laiyin
Ever since i told you my feelings on the 1st of April ( no joke & no fools ),
You had given me joy everytime we hung out or talked.
This is the first April 20th i spent with you,
And hopefully not the last as well hahah.
I know my past is pretty crap,
Ty for ignoring that.
Im not one who know how to give romantic lines and speeches ( actually i can lah),
But all i wanna tell you is that i love you.
Krish <3
If you have forgotten, let me remind you. This is the structure of the post that chief onion made on valentines day '08 when he made it official with yy. http://eugenekrabbs.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html
Hahaa, although I used his impeccable, well-thought-out, heart-felt template to structure this post, I assure you that all my intentions in it (the post) are true.
Well, thats not all i want to say. I shall now show you all a picture. And that picture will tell you how i feel abt Laiyin.
laoding still..

I will still love you regardless. As i like you for who you are (:
I believe that now, it is all explained and i hope youknow who i feel for you.
好了, 时间不早了,我要跟我的T在msn说话了,就此停笔。
P.S I wanted to put d for 'd'ear instead of T for 't'ham, but then.. 'd' will sound like yy, better not.. later tio whack. (:
As you wanted, heres a post just for you and to whoever are concerned. Today's the auspicious 21st of the month where you chose to make it official. And here i am typing out my hearts content.
Hmm today's not valentine's day.
And i spent the day with Laiyin at school, and not watching valkyrie.
Tsk i still dun really know how to pronounce that.
And the school was quite well done too.
By now, those with sense would know what is going between the two of us.
So i will disclose everything in the following two open letters.
To: dtrm 02
Sorry for all the lies we had told you all for the past ??? days.
We did meant to keep it a secret until at least the new acad year or what,
But i really cant bear to see her or me getting bombed everyday in school and stuff.
Or the fact that i have to not speak to her when i see her in school.
So here i am telling you all nth but the truth.
And Zhong who says that being attached cant go all-out assault on you-know-who?
I will prove you wrong lol.
Now that everything's clear,
I hope for some privacy for the both of us and not bombings.
Ty and good luck for the upcoming school term.
Yours truly,
Krish ;D
To: Laiyin
Ever since i told you my feelings on the 1st of April ( no joke & no fools ),
You had given me joy everytime we hung out or talked.
This is the first April 20th i spent with you,
And hopefully not the last as well hahah.
I know my past is pretty crap,
Ty for ignoring that.
Im not one who know how to give romantic lines and speeches ( actually i can lah),
But all i wanna tell you is that i love you.
Krish <3
If you have forgotten, let me remind you. This is the structure of the post that chief onion made on valentines day '08 when he made it official with yy. http://eugenekrabbs.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html
Hahaa, although I used his impeccable, well-thought-out, heart-felt template to structure this post, I assure you that all my intentions in it (the post) are true.
Well, thats not all i want to say. I shall now show you all a picture. And that picture will tell you how i feel abt Laiyin.
laoding still..
ok. This is the pic. Even though if you turn out become like this next time...

I will still love you regardless. As i like you for who you are (:
I believe that now, it is all explained and i hope youknow who i feel for you.
好了, 时间不早了,我要跟我的T在msn说话了,就此停笔。
P.S I wanted to put d for 'd'ear instead of T for 't'ham, but then.. 'd' will sound like yy, better not.. later tio whack. (:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Fuck Roaches!
Today, i shot my seeds of anxious-ness and emotions all over muthu's and kumar's face. Well, its not that they were totally flummoxed by the blast of seeds on their faces. In fact, they swallowed it quite well, as though they knew what was cumming.
Well, feel much better after i've blown my load, and my balls are much more comfy after having the load s*xually realeased off them.
Afterwards, i went down to look for food in the kitchen. Saw a fugly roach at the cabinets. Instinctively, i went summoned my trusty weapon in my roach slaying arsenal. BAYGON INSECTICIDE SPRAY! Fully locked and loaded, i squirted all over the piece of shit and it slow writhed to its impending death (:
And with the speed of light, it flew towards me, and brushed through my hair, as though attempting to strike with its last blow. By instinct again, i squatted down like in the matrix to dodge the flying piece of shit. And by doing so, i carelessly banged my chin to my knee, and the very nexus of my head shook from the shock.
My head now hurts thanks to that flying imbecile. Thus, we came to a conclusion on why i choose 'fuck roaches' as this tittle.
I'm now going to reboot my system, see you next time~ tata~
P.S. Thank 'you' for first squirting all around the place before my seeds are sown (:
Well, feel much better after i've blown my load, and my balls are much more comfy after having the load s*xually realeased off them.
Afterwards, i went down to look for food in the kitchen. Saw a fugly roach at the cabinets. Instinctively, i went summoned my trusty weapon in my roach slaying arsenal. BAYGON INSECTICIDE SPRAY! Fully locked and loaded, i squirted all over the piece of shit and it slow writhed to its impending death (:
And with the speed of light, it flew towards me, and brushed through my hair, as though attempting to strike with its last blow. By instinct again, i squatted down like in the matrix to dodge the flying piece of shit. And by doing so, i carelessly banged my chin to my knee, and the very nexus of my head shook from the shock.
My head now hurts thanks to that flying imbecile. Thus, we came to a conclusion on why i choose 'fuck roaches' as this tittle.
I'm now going to reboot my system, see you next time~ tata~
P.S. Thank 'you' for first squirting all around the place before my seeds are sown (:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
那狐狸听了, 就觉得熊所说的话非常有意识,很深奥。。
想阿想阿, 那狐狸突然间明白了那熊话中带话的那三个字。
几天后,那狐狸问个蓝鸟同样的问题。 而那鸟什么都没说,只是摇摇了头,就飞走了。
但是。。 那只鸟还没禁得起考验。
Hmm, do you really understand annex1 above? i bet you don't..
In fact, frankly, i don't really understand it at all too.
Not even the basic who what where when and how.
They are animal gibberish to me in my opinion? And i would wish that the fox would explicitly elucidate his question, and deeply intertwined intentions for the rest of the animals in the forest. This will help make things clear for all to understand? Dunch chiu agree? Fox? hahhahahaha (:
那狐狸听了, 就觉得熊所说的话非常有意识,很深奥。。
想阿想阿, 那狐狸突然间明白了那熊话中带话的那三个字。
几天后,那狐狸问个蓝鸟同样的问题。 而那鸟什么都没说,只是摇摇了头,就飞走了。
但是。。 那只鸟还没禁得起考验。
Hmm, do you really understand annex1 above? i bet you don't..
In fact, frankly, i don't really understand it at all too.
Not even the basic who what where when and how.
They are animal gibberish to me in my opinion? And i would wish that the fox would explicitly elucidate his question, and deeply intertwined intentions for the rest of the animals in the forest. This will help make things clear for all to understand? Dunch chiu agree? Fox? hahhahahaha (:
Monday, April 6, 2009
FOC '09!!!!
Atens 你 zai 不 zai?!
Atens 我很zai !
Atens 你 zai 不 zai?!
Atens 我 sibeh zai!
爸爸我很zai, 妈妈我很zai,
pili pala , Atens sibeh zai!
And thats the best FOC'09 cheer there is (:

ATENS for the win (: Missing in this pic is celestine, who cmi on the last day.

Thats the cute Aten flag there...

Cute Cute Wani and me, at nightwalk preparation. Thats my most shuai PIC ever taken sia...haha. And have to admit.. Wani so cute lah (:

Ghost reunion for nightwalk, woot! Ghost team HUAT!
Din really take pic for the wet games as my shirt was all buang-ed.. FOC has been really fun, and i think all the facils lost their voices. Sad rite.. cheer so much in the end the price was just potato chips..
Would'nt it be better if they gave out the ''pi pa gao'' to zhi ren out throats?

Wells, anyway, after mass cam whoring with everyone after the camp, i jacuzzi-ed with eugene in SPGG for abt 2 hours. Thats a lot of baths(: Good thing SP got SPGG.
TP, NP, NYP, RP got or not? dun have.. so to all those freshies.. you made a good choice to come to SP. Win.
Wells, thats abt all there is to FOC(: , goodbye and goodnight.
P.S. i've found a cool secret bathing spot in SP that no one knows abt (:, next time got camp i intro your all to bathe there ok? :D
P.P.S. Sry hor... stood you up the whole night while i was asleep.. wont happen again ok?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Movie Tittle: Coming Soon

Yet another horror flick conquered with the might and bold guts of my steel balls. Its a nice movie, and i rate it a whole 3.5 cheese pies!
Rating*: ( Y ) ( Y ) ( Y ) ( Y !
* Rating for horror films are in the units of chee byes, ( Y ). Why? Coz thats the number of chee byes i swear when i get frightened.
To note: Though i was alone eating lunch and waiting for my doc appointment, i was very happy. <3
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Get to know yourself better at
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Get to know yourself better at
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