As you wanted, heres a post just for you and to whoever are concerned. Today's the auspicious 21st of the month where you chose to make it official. And here i am typing out my hearts content.
Hmm today's not valentine's day.
And i spent the day with Laiyin at school, and not watching valkyrie.
Tsk i still dun really know how to pronounce that.
And the school was quite well done too.
By now, those with sense would know what is going between the two of us.
So i will disclose everything in the following two open letters.
To: dtrm 02
Sorry for all the lies we had told you all for the past ??? days.
We did meant to keep it a secret until at least the new acad year or what,
But i really cant bear to see her or me getting bombed everyday in school and stuff.
Or the fact that i have to not speak to her when i see her in school.
So here i am telling you all nth but the truth.
And Zhong who says that being attached cant go all-out assault on you-know-who?
I will prove you wrong lol.
Now that everything's clear,
I hope for some privacy for the both of us and not bombings.
Ty and good luck for the upcoming school term.
Yours truly,
Krish ;D
To: Laiyin
Ever since i told you my feelings on the 1st of April ( no joke & no fools ),
You had given me joy everytime we hung out or talked.
This is the first April 20th i spent with you,
And hopefully not the last as well hahah.
I know my past is pretty crap,
Ty for ignoring that.
Im not one who know how to give romantic lines and speeches ( actually i can lah),
But all i wanna tell you is that i love you.
Krish <3
If you have forgotten, let me remind you. This is the structure of the post that chief onion made on valentines day '08 when he made it official with yy.
Hahaa, although I used his impeccable, well-thought-out, heart-felt template to structure this post, I assure you that all my intentions in it (the post) are true.
Well, thats not all i want to say. I shall now show you all a picture. And that picture will tell you how i feel abt Laiyin.
laoding still..
ok. This is the pic. Even though if you turn out become like this next time...

I will still love you regardless. As i like you for who you are (:
I believe that now, it is all explained and i hope youknow who i feel for you.
好了, 时间不早了,我要跟我的T在msn说话了,就此停笔。
P.S I wanted to put d for 'd'ear instead of T for 't'ham, but then.. 'd' will sound like yy, better not.. later tio whack. (:
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